Friday, February 24, 2006

MC: 滷味萬歲

星期前去買菜的時候看到豬排骨在打折, 所以也就買了一些回來. 本來呢是要做烤排骨 ... 可是想想「又是」烤排骨; 想做鹽酥排骨嘛... 那排骨一隻可是 7 ~ 8吋長, 家裡的刀子又不夠勇, 沒辦法斬小件. 前思後想 ... 嗯, 就來做道滷排骨吧!


滷包 (我這次偷懶用現成的滷包)

1. 排骨跟雞腳洗淨後分別醃五香粉跟少許醬油. 暫置一旁.
2. 熱油鍋, 下蒜頭跟薑片炒香後加入預先醃好的排骨. 用中小火半煎炒個 10分鐘左右.
3. 加入清水和醬油後也把滷包丟下鍋中. 轉中火煮 10 分鐘後把雞腳和青蔥也加入鍋中後.
4. 把剝掉蛋殼的蛋放入鍋中後轉大火煮 20 ~ 30 分鐘, 加入冰糖. 這時如滷汁中有排骨的血渣要撈掉, 以免破壞一鍋的美味.
5. 用中小火上鍋蓋再煮 20 分鐘即可.

耶!!! 滷蛋吶!!!
啊... 還有 QQ 的雞腳.

撒些青蔥絲, 淋上一些滷汁 ... 好個美味滷排骨!

再配上一碟泡菜 (黃瓜 + 紅蘿蔔) ... 人生無求嘍~

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

BR: 吃包子嘍!

video 是頭家幫我製作的. =)

有好一陣子沒做包子吃了. 之前一直想要做可就是沒做成. 也許是要做要試的 recipe 太多了 ... 所以我們很少會短時間裡重複做同樣的東西來吃.

Anyway... 禮拜天那天跟頭家聊到一個網友 (叫包子媽) 貼在她部落格裡的笑話. 結果笑話說完了他對笑話沒什麼反應卻問我

頭家: "Mmmm... 我們什麼時候要做包子吃?"
影子: "咦, 你怎麼會突然間想要吃包子?"
頭家: "Errr... 因為, 因為妳剛剛提到包子."
影子: *$#&%@!@* "嘿, 所以你覺得那個笑話好不好笑?"
頭家: "笑話? 哦, 還好. 所以妳說我們什麼時候要做包子吃?" (厚... 棄而不捨的精神又來了)
影子: "厚!!! 所以剛剛我在跟你講笑話你根本沒有在聽! 只一心的在想包子."
頭家: "有啦. 有在聽啦. 只是沒有覺得很好笑而已嘛. 所以我們什麼時候要做包子吃啦?" (天啊! 怎麼有這麼難纏的人啊???)
影子: "好啦好啦好啦. 明天做包子啦."

嗯... 以上的小對話就是為什麼我們禮拜一會做包子吃的原由啦. 好啦 ... 嘰哩咕嚕說了一堆, 來看材料跟做法吧. 啊... 在這裡要跟我老媽說聲謝謝. 因為這是她給我的食譜. =)) 意思就是說呢 ... 如果不好吃還是做不成的話, 不要來找我, 找我老媽. 嘻嘻嘻...

1 1/2 茶匙 發粉 (baking powder)
6 杯 普通麵粉
12g 乾酵母
3 茶匙 糖
375ml 溫水
3 湯匙 白油 (shortening)


1. 將發粉和普通麵粉篩到一mixing bowl 中 (需要用特大的哦). 置一邊.
2. 把乾酵母和糖混合均勻後慢慢的將溫水 (註1) 倒入. 慢慢的攪拌至糖溶解. 後置放一旁讓它發泡.
3. 將 (2) 慢慢的倒入 (1)中. 把麵粉跟水揉合. 如仍覺得麵團太乾的話可加少許溫水. 將白油揉入麵團中. 這時候的麵團會是粗糙的表皮. 不用緊張, 有耐心的﹑慢慢的揉會把麵團揉到光光滑滑的.
4. 繼續不間斷的揉麵團, 約 15分鐘左右. 後置放於一容器中, 蓋上濕布讓麵團醒 1小時或發至兩倍大.
5. 將麵團分成 24個等份. 包入預先準備好的餡料 (註2), 收口. 記得底下要墊一張 parchement paper/baking paper/wax paper 以防黏底.
6. 讓包好的包子再稍微發個 15分鐘才蒸. 一次四到五個包子蒸 15分鐘.

註1: 是溫水哦 (約 60C ~ 75C). 千萬不好用熱水, 會把酵母給燙翹翹!
註2: 內餡隨意. 我當天包了三種餡: a)豬肉炒海鮮醬加孛薺; b) tuna魚加香菜加檸檬皮刨絲; c)奶酥

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Cb Ap: 錦繡花籃 [Crunchy Bread Baskets]

12 片 白麵包, 將 四邊的 crust 切除

4x 雞蛋
半杯 鮮奶 (可以 half & half 或 heavy cream 代之)
2 湯匙 自發粉
半罐 罐裝 (15oz/432g) 玉米, cream style
紅蘿蔔, 切細顆粒
青蔥, 切顆粒


1. 將 B 的所有材料拌勻, 暫置一邊. (如喜歡稀一點的餡的話可多加一些鮮奶. 同樣的如要稠一點的餡就多加一些自發粉.)
2. 將麵包塗上奶油.
3. 將塗好奶油的麵包"塞"到 muffin tray 裡.
4. 把調勻的 (1) 料慢慢的倒入 (3)中. 只要倒 3/4 滿即可.
5. 放入預熱的烤箱 (180C/390F) 烤約 15分鐘 或至金黃色.

**當天因為要配合一位吃素的客人所以這到小點用的材料是全素的. 要準備葷的《錦繡花籃》可加一些蝦仁或切丁的 crab stick.

Recipe in English:

12x White bread, cut off the crusts

4x eggs
1/2 cup milk (could substitute for a richer taste with half & half or heavy cream)
2 TBspn self-raising flour
1/2 can 15oz/432g sweet corn, cream style
carrot, diced
spring onions, diced

1. Mix together all ingredients in B, set aside. (may add a little more flour if you like a thicker filling or vice versa)
2. Spread butter evenly on the bread.
3. Arrange the buttered bread on the muffin tray.
4. Slowly pour (1) into (3), with only 3/4 filled.
5. Bake in a preheated over (180C/390F) oven for 15mins or until golden.

** This is a vegetarian dish, for a non-vegetarian version, try add in some diced shrimps or crab sticks.

Friday, February 10, 2006

MC: Crunchy Fish Fillet with Toasted Couscous

Was out shopping one afternoon, bought a copy of "Cooking Light" (it's not one of those cooking for the sake of losing weight kinda magazine. It has some cook smart healthy recipes) among many other things of course. The sole reason of the magazine purchase was I saw a picture of a plate of couscous topped with looks-like panfried shrimps while flipping. My whole attention stayed on the pictured meal - - - so yummy!!! I went straight to the check-up without thinking twice and said to myself "Mmmm... this is what we're going to have for dinner tonight".

pic#1: YUM!!! Loooove couscous!

The recipe called for jumbo shrimps but my hubby doesn't eat shrimps or prawns unless they're batter-coated and deep-fried. So I subsituted the shrimps with two fillets of white fish that I bought the day before. With that I also make other adjustment to the original recipe to my own liking.

1 cups uncooked couscous
13/4 cups fat-free low-sodium chicken broth
1/2 cup lime juice
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
11/2 tablespoons unsalted butter
pinch of salt
*boiled vegie - I used cauliflower and carrots, mainly for their colour to go with the lite-yellowish couscous

2x white fish fillet
finely chopped fresh cilantro
finely grated fresh ginger
freshly ground black pepper
drips of cooking oil (ie. canola or olive oil)
Panko** (Japanese breadcrumbs), enough to coat 2 fillets
** regular breadcrumb doesn't work as crunchy as Panko would.

1/2 cup lime juice
1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh cilantro
2 tablespoons reduced-fat mayonnaise
11/2 tablespoons fat-free, low-sodium chicken broth
1 teaspoon finely grated fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin (can reduce the quantity if you don't like the taste or smell of cumin)
pinch of salt and pepper

serving for 2.

To prepate the couscous:
1. Place couscous in a large nonstick skillet over med-high heat, cook for about 3 - 5 mins, or until toasted, stirring constantly.
2. Add the chicken broth, lime juice, and salt, then bring to a boil.
3. Remove from heat, cover and let stand for 5 mins.
4. Fluff with a fork, add boiled vegie and butter. Keep stirring until butter melts.
5. Keep warm. Add the cilantro just before serving or the heat will brown the cilantro.

To prepare the fish:
1. Marinate the fish with all the ingredients except Panko for 10 ~ 15mins
2. Heat oil in a large non-stick skillet.
3. Coat the fillet with Panko, shake off the excess. Arrange the fillets in the pan. Cook ~5mins on each side or until done and golden brown.

To prepate the sauce:
1. Pour the 0.5 cup lime juice into a small saucepan, bring to a boil. Cook until reduced to 1/4 cup. Remove from heat, cool completely.
2. Stir in the rest of the ingredients. Set aside.

To plate:
1. Place the couscous on a plate, top with a fillet of the browned fish. Sprinkle more chopped cilantro if desired. Drizzle with the prepared sauce or serve by the side.

pic#2: The sauce is really beautiful. Altho' I haven't try it, I think it would go pretty well with grilled lamb chops too.

pic#3: Look at the crunchiness!