Friday, December 30, 2005

Cb:- Christmas Feast_Honey Baked Chicken

Found *ecstatic* and bought some banana leaves at our local grocery store a few days before Christmas. Had not thought of what I want to do with them but was sure I will think of something. At the time, I just wanna buy them and get them home. =))

Just the night before Christmas eve (Christmas eve eve?? =)) I said to myself why not use some of the leave to make a banana leave woven and use the rest for something else. This would sure be a show taker!! So here we are! =))


The night before:
*Banana Leave Woven*
Shred the banana leaves to strips.
Best if you can have them same width and length.
Start weaving!! Just make it big enough for the dish you're serving the bird (ie. pic#1).
Once done, leave it on the bencetop overnight.

Pic#1: Finished weaving!

*The Bird*
Garlic mince
Ginger mince
Sweet Mirin
White Merlot (I used Beringer)
Oyster Sauce

1. Mix the marinade together (except oyster sauce) and leave for ~30mins.
2. Rub the bird (in and out) with oyster sauce.
3. Then when 30mins is up, put the bird in a plastic bag (best with Ziploc bag, if you have one), and pour the marinade over the bird.
4. Leave in the fridge for overnight.

On the day:
1. Cover the weavened leaves. You don't want it to go too dry.
2. When ready, preheat the oven to 425F.
3. Put the bird on an ovenproof baking dish (breast side down).
Reserve the marinade.
4. Chop up some vegie in chunks (ie. celery, carrot, onion, garlic) and put them in the cavity.
5. Mix the marinade with melted butter and honey. Set aside.
6. Put the bird in the oven for 30mins, then brush with the honey butter marinade. Bake for another 30mins or until golden. Brush with the marinade at a 10-minute interval.
7. Reduce the temp to 400F and turn the breast side up, bake until golden, brush with the marinade at a 10-minute interval. Bake the breast side for about 30 ~ 45mins.
8. Turn the breast side down, put a few lemon slices on the bird, brush with the marinade, and bake for a further 20mins.
9. Reduce the temp to 375F and bake for another 20mins.
10. Take the bird out, set aside.
11. When ready to serve, put the bird the prepared serving dish lined witht the woven (pic#2 & #3).

Pic#2: How do you like my new outfit?!

Pic#3: I'm ready if you are!!


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