Saturday, December 31, 2005

Cb:- Christmas Feast_Salmon Kebab Pockets

Da da!!
This is my other way to make good use and good dish with the leftover banana leaves - - -> Salmon Kebabs in pockets made from banana leaves. Of course, if you have a whole fish you could wrap it in the leave and either BBQ (weather permitted =)) or grill it in the oven. Banana leave has this unique smell and taste when put on grill (either on a BBQ grill or oven grill). It's great with seafood, chicken and pork. Not so good with beef, unsure about lamb tho'.

Salmon (or seafood you desire), cut in cubes
Red onions (I love the taste after grilling)

1. Marinate the salmond with a little olive oil, vinegar, and some finely chopped Italian parsley for 20mins.
2. Arrange the Salmon cubes, red onions, mushrooms, and cucumber on bamboo sticks.
3. Preheat the oven to 350F.
4. Lightly grill the kebabs on a non-stick frying pan. DO NOT OVER-COOKED!!! This step is done just for some brown colour on the Salmon and to release the sweet taste of the red onions.
5. Wrap up the kebabs with the banana leaves. Secure the pockets with toothpicks. Spray the pockets with
6. Arrange the pockets in an ovenproof dish and grill for 30mins.

pic#1: Hot from the oven Salmon Kebab Pockets

pic#2: What it looks like inside the pocket.


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